Quality improvement (QI) is about making processes safer, effective, timely, efficient and equitable. At P2I we use established quality improvement models and frameworks including the Model for Improvement (Plan-Do-Study-Act [PDSA] cycles and Lean Six Sigma to test interventions on a small scale and to drive out waste, improve efficiency, and ensure that all work adds value.

P2I works with your organization to:

Establish a culture of quality. The culture of a an organization—attitudes, behaviors, and actions—reflect how passionately staff embrace quality. We work with you to build a culture of QI which may include establishing dedicated QI teams, developing an organizational QI plan, or creating policies around your QI goals.

Determine and prioritize potential areas for improvement. We help you to identify and understand the ways in which your organization could improve and to establish quality measures to guide your efforts.

Collect and analyze data. We collect and analyze data to help you understand how well your systems work, identify potential areas for improvement, set measurable goals, and monitor the effectiveness of change.

Communicate your results. We devise mechanisms to ensure your quality improvement efforts are transparent to all employees and volunteers. We help you to plan and implement QI projects that include entire teams and to communicate your project needs, priorities, actions, and results to everyone (clients included).

Spread your successes. We ensure that lessons learned are shared with others to support wide-scale, rapid  improvement.